Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here's a smattering from the last few weeks (I added some to Michael's first post, below, from India, too, from the train...):

This is a long shot of the Kagyu Monlam- this is just a little portion of the sea of monks surrounding the Karmapa teaching from underneath the Bodhi Tree.

All these boys came running to have their photo taken by the squeaky old farris wheel behind the tibetan market in Bodhgaya.

Indian cop doing his job guarding the view at Vulture Peak mountain near Rajgir.

Muslim holiday celebrated with the loudest music you've ever heard and mock fighting with flourescent lighting tubes, observed from the roof of Deep Guesthouse in Bodhgaya.

A little view of the kite flying roof tops of Varanasi...

More photos soon...

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