Monday, December 8, 2008

Yes, We Can......Go to India

Greetings all,
There is not much of interest on this here blog, but in a month ...... A huge thank you to all the people who helped make this possible. I would especially like to thank the Milani /Thornton clan for their generosity and love. If you haven't read it, I have provided a link on this page to the article Denise wrote called "The Dharma of Cancer." Thank you to Jim and Terry Colosi, Don Tatum, Steve Brooks, Louis Fitch, Jeff Scott, Peter Volz, Mike Smith & the Trident employees, Lady Rich (Mom) and Palden Ronge, Vajra Granelli, Uncle Earl, Sherab & Judi, Sky Brooks, Vajra & Cara & Stella Rich, Jill Cohen, Mark Thorpe & Picturewoods, Jetha-Lucas-Liza, Jesse & Heather Grimes, Robbie Rettmer, Bernie & Trudy Walter, Sol & Ulrike Halpern, Liza Mathews, Heather Phillip, and Ken Ketchum for your support. It is due to all of you that this trip now has legs to stand on. Another heartfelt thank you to our dear friend Janos for his generosity, accommodation and help to keep our relative realty from falling apart while we are away. My apologies if I have forgotten anyone, I'm sure I will remember on the airplane and feel lame. I would like to invite everyone to visit us here from time to time and see the latest photos and read the latest stories. You can also sign up on this page to receive an email every time we update the blog.

Much Love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mike Smith just told me about your blog, I'm psyched to read it and will link to it a few times and hopefully send you a little of our traffic! Be safe and big love from America—which as of two days from now will have a new President!